Высокоразрешающая волоконно-оптическая система рамановской спектроскопии i-Raman с ТЕ охлаждением
- Запатентованная технология стабилизации лазерного излучения
- Широкий диапазон комбинационного сдвига (до 4000 см-1)
- Измерения до 150 см-1 от линии Рэлея (опция до 65 см-1)
- Спектральное разрешение 3,5 см-1
- ПЗС-матрица из 2048 пикселей с ТЕ охлаждением
- Длина волны возбуждения лазера 532 нм или 785 нм
- Оптоволоконный зонд для удобства проведения анализа
Производитель B&WTek
- Запатентованная технология стабилизации лазерного излучения CleanLaze
- Измерения до 150 см-1 от линии Рэлея (опция до 65 см-1)
- Оптоволоконный зонд для удобства проведения анализа
- Спектральное разрешение 3,5 см-1
- ПЗС-линейка из 2048 пикселей с термоэлектрическим охлаждением
- Перекрытие широкого диапазона по рамановскому сдвигу
Рамановская система i-Raman оснащена запатентованной технологией стабилизации лазерного излучения и узкой шириной линии.
Другие особенности заключаются в высоком спектральном разрешении (до 3,5 см-1), широком диапазоне комбинационного сдвига (до 4000 см-1) и в TE охлаждении ПЗС-матрицы, состоящей из 2048 пикселей. С помощью удобного волоконно-оптического интерфейса, он может собирать данные с линией Рэлея, равной 65 см-1.
i-Raman является уникальным прибором, обладающим высоким разрешением, легким весом (4,6 кг), мобильностью и производительностью, сравнимой с большими настольными рамановскими системами. Малые размеры опорной поверхности, занимаемой системой, легкая конструкция и низкое энергопотребление обеспечивают исследование комбинационного рассеяния с лабораторной точностью в любом месте!
Прибор i-Raman оснащается лазерным источником возбуждения с центральной длиной волны (на выбор) 532 нм или 785 нм. Максимально эффективное время интеграции порядка 1 минуты. Это делает i-Raman идеально подходящим для ресурсоемких приложений, связанных с низкой концентрацией исследуемых веществ и слабым рамановским рассеиванием.
- Искусство и археология (в частности, археологические исследования и анализ картин)
- Биомедицинские исследования и медицинская диагностика
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
- Рамановская микроскопия
- Контроль производства полимеров и химических веществ
- Исследование окружающей среды
- Судебная экспертиза
- Геммология
- Геология и минералогия
- Пищевая и аграрная промышленность (в частности, анализ ингредиентов пищевых масел)
- Производство полупроводников и солнечных элементов
- Идентификация наркотических веществ
- SERS спектроскопия
- Комбинированная электрохимическая рамановская спектроскопия
- Изучение полиморфизма и анализ полиморфных переходов
- Анализ технологических процессов
- Исследования углеродных структур
- Хемометрическое моделирование метанола в третичных смесях
Возможности интеграции
Дополнительное комплектование |
Оснащение уже имеющихся микроскопов адаптером для подключения спектрометра |
А так же другие опции.
Программное обеспечение
Мы предлагаем обширный пакет программного обеспечения, которое предоставляет массу решений в области рамановской спектроскопии. Мощные вычислительные функции, легкое управление данными, простой пользовательский интерфейс и простота общего использования – все в Ваших руках с пакетами программного обеспечения BWTek. Основой всех вычислительных платформ является программа BWSpecTM, которая бесплатно поставляется со всеми нашими спектрометрами. Для проведения быстрой идентификации и проверки на соответствие Вы можете использовать другое программное обеспечение, построенное на основе BWSpecTM – BWIDTM (опция). Для промышленных или медицинских применений, требующих соответствия государственным нормам регулирования Вы можете использовать программное обеспечение BWIDTM-Pharma, которое поддерживает все требования в соответствии с FDA 21 CFR часть 11.
Также в общий пакет программ входит программное обеспечение BWIQTM, используемое со спектрометрами серии i-Raman Plus и другими спектрометрами высокого разрешения. Данное программное обеспечение представляет собой программу для многовариантного анализа, позволяющее анализировать полученные спектральные данные, чтобы отражать внутренние связи между спектрами и данными отклика или спектрами и классами образцов, т.е. позволяет определять количественный состав нескольких компонентов в одном веществе. Объединяя новые и традиционные алгоритмы коррекции (airPLS и PLS) с быстрыми и точными алгоритмами линейной алгебры, BWIQTM представляет собой новое поколение программного обеспечения для спектрального анализа, отличающееся скоростью, точностью и производительностью.
Технические характеристики
Лазер |
532 нм | > 40 мВт (макс. 50 мВт) | |
785 нм | > 320 мВт (макс. 420 мВт) | |
Контроль выходной мощности излучения лазера | Программно от 0% до 100% на 532 нм и 785 нм | |
Спектрометр | Рабочий диапазон | Разрешение |
i-Raman-532S | 150 см-1 – 4000 см-1 | ~ 4.5 см-1 @ 614 нм |
i-Raman-532H | 150 см-1 – 3300 см-1 | ~ 3.5 см-1 @ 614 нм |
i-Raman-785S | 150 см-1 – 3200 см-1 | ~ 4.5 см-1 @ 912 нм |
i-Raman-785H | 150 см-1 – 2700 см-1 | ~ 3.5 см-1 @ 912 нм |
Электроника | ||
Соединение с ПК | USB 2.0 / 1.1 | |
Режим запуска (триггер) | Да (совместим с зондами BWTek) | |
Питание | ||
АС (опционно) | 100 – 240 В переменного тока, 50 – 60 Гц | |
DC (стандартно) | 5 В постоянного тока при 8 А | |
Детектор | ||
Тип детектора | ПЗС-линейка с термоэлектрическим охлаждением | |
Количество пикселей | 2048 | |
Размер пикселя | 14 мкм x 200 мкм | |
Температура охлаждения детектора | 10 °C | |
Динамический диапазон | 1300:1 | |
Разрешение цифрового преобразователя | 16-бит или 65 535:1 | |
Скорость считывания | 500 кГц | |
Время интегрирования | 5 мс - 65 535 мс | |
Физические характеристики | ||
Габаритные размеры | 17 см x 34 см x 23.4 см | |
Вес | ~ 4,6 кг | |
Рабочая температура | 10 °C - 35 °C | |
Температура хранения | -10 °C - 60 °C | |
Влажность | 10% - 85% |

Мы искали недорогой вариант мобильного спектрометра для экспресс-анализа с длиной волны лазера 785 нм и оптоволоконным датчиком.
Читать отзывПрограммное обеспечение для рамановских спектрометров BWTEK
Аксессуары для рамановских систем
Название документа | Название статьи | Авторы | Издание | Год публикации |
2005-Raman-Design_Phosphorus_Sensing(Abstract) | Design of a Portable Raman Sensor for Phosphorus Sensing in Soils | Ismail Bogrekci and Won Suk Lee | ASABE Annual International Meeting | 2005 |
2006-Raman_Setup-Teaching_Raman | Teaching Raman Spectroscopy in Both the Undergraduate Classroom and the Laboratory with a Portable Raman Instrument | Evan D. Hudspeth, Danielle Cleveland, Kathleen L. Batchler, Phuong A. Nguyen, Tracey L. Feaser, Lauren E. Quattrochi, Jesse Morenz, Shrimati A. Balram, and Robert G. Michel | Spectroscopy Letters, 39: 99-115, 2006 | 2006 |
2006-Raman-Particle_Size_Phosphorus_Sensing(Abstract) | The Effect of Particle Size on Sensing Phosphorus by Raman Spectroscopy (Abstract) | Ismail Bogrekci and Won Suk Lee | ASABE Annual International Meeting | 2006 |
2007-Raman-Quantification_Ethanol_Qualitative_Marine_Diesels | Raman Spectroscopy for the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory: Quantification of Ethanol Concentration in Consumer Alcoholic Beverages and Qualitative Identification of Marine Diesels Using a Miniature Raman Spectrometer | Danielle Cleveland; Matthew Carlson; Evan D. Hudspeth; Lauren E. Quattrochi; Kathleen L. Batchler; Shrimati A. Balram; Seongun Hong; Robert G. Michel | Spectroscopy Letters, 40:6, 903 -924 | 2007 |
2008-Raman-Insulin_Aggregates | Multivariate Calibration of Covalent Aggregate Fraction to the Raman Spectrum of Regular Human Insulin | CONNIE M. GRYNIEWICZ, JOHN F. KAUFFMAN | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, VOL. 97, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2008 | 2008 |
2010-Raman-Art_Material_Deterioration(ChineseAbstract) | Study of Mobile Raman Spectroscopy for Rapid Evaluation of Deteriorating of Art Materials under UV Irradiation (Abstract, Chinese) | LUO Xi-yun, YE Fei, WU Lai-ming, YUAN Sheng-wei, ZHANG Wei-bing, DU Yi-ping | 2010 | |
2010-Raman-Fluorescence_Correction_Medicine(Chinese) | Raman Spectroscopy Fluorescence Background Correction and Its Application in Clustering Analysis of Medicines (Chinese) | CHEN Shan, LI Xiao-ning, LIANG Yi-zeng, ZHANG Zhi-min, LIU Zhao-xia, ZHANG Qi-ming, DING Li-xia, YE Fei | www.cnki.net | 2010 |
2011-Raman-Quantitative_Hydrogen_Peroxide(Abstract) | Quantitative Raman determination of hydrogen peroxide using the solvent as internal standard: Online application in the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide (Abstract) | T. Moreno, M.A. Morán López, I. Huerta Illera, C.M. Piqueras, A. Sanz Arranz, J. García Serna, M.J. Cocero | Chemical Engineering Journal 166 (2011) 1061-1065 | 2011 |
2012-Raman-Piroxicam_Soluability | Insight into the solubility and dissolution behavior of piroxicam anhydrate and monohydrate forms | Urve Paaver, Andres Lust, Sabiruddin Mirza, Jukka Rantanen, Peep Veski, Jyrki Heinämäki, Karin Kogermann | International Journal of Pharmaceutics 431 (2012) 111- 119 | 2012 |
2008-iRaman-Diamond_Membranes_Quality | Raman Spectroscopy for Quick Quality Analysis of Diamond Membranes | Joseph Tabeling, Applied Diamond, Inc., B&W Tek | 2008 | |
2008-iRaman-Microscopes_Deteriorated_Stones | Evaluation of three different mobile Raman microscopes employed to study deteriorated civil building stones | I. Mart´ınez-Arkarazo, D. C. Smith, O. Zuloaga, M. A. Olazabal and J. M. Madariaga | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2008. (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/jrs.1941 | 2008 |
2009-iRaman-Characterization_Hydratedsulfates_Acidicwater | Raman Spectroscopy, a Powerful Tool for the Characterization of Hydrated Sulfates and Acidic Water in Rio Tinto (Spain) | P. Sobron, A. Sansano, A. Sanz, T. Acosta, B. Lafuente, F. Rull, F. Sobron, J. Medina | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/253352970 | 2009 |
2009-iRaman-Cultural_Heritage | Raman Spectroscopy at low cost for Cultural Heritage | Madatec | 2009 | |
2009-iRaman-Fluorescence_Background_Correction | An intelligent background-correction algorithm for highly fluorescent samples in Raman spectroscopy | Zhi-Min Zhang, Shan Chen, Yi-Zeng Liang, Zhao-Xia Liu, Qi-Ming Zhang, Li-Xia Ding, Fei Ye and Hua Zhou | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2010, 41, 659-669 | 2009 |
2009-iRaman-NIR_Raman_Compare_Polymers | A NEW RAPID ANALYSIS METHOD FOR FLAME RETARDANTS IN POLYMERS | P Baird, I Finberg, P Georlette, H. Herman, W. Mortimore, G. C. Stevens | N/A (GnoSys publication) | 2009 |
2010-iRaman-Baseline_Correction_LSR | Baseline correction using adaptive iteratively reweighted penalized least squares | Zhi-Min Zhang, Shan Chen and Yi-Zeng Liang | Royal Society of Chemistry, Analyst, 2010, 135, 1138-1146 | 2010 |
2010-iRaman-Counterfeit_Hypoglycemic_Agents(Chinese) | Algorithms of Raman spectrum analysis in fast identification of counterfeit hypoglycemic agents (Chinese) | Ching Sung, Xinxin Wong, Feng Lu | Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University,Sep. 2010,Vol. 31,No. 9 | 2010 |
2010-iRaman-Environmental_Impact_Sculptures | Environmental Impact on Richard Serra’s sculptures: A Portable Instrumentation Study | K. Castro, J. Aramendia, A. Sanz, D. Vega and J.M. Madariaga | Impact of the Environment Indoor on the Preservation of our Movable Heritage, D42, Dublin, 2010 | 2010 |
2010-iRaman-SERS_Aliline_Phenol | Portable Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensor for Rapid Detection of Aniline and Phenol Derivatives by On-Site Electrostatic Preconcentration | Dan Li, Da-Wei Li, John S. Fossey, and Yi-Tao Long | Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 9299-9305 | 2010 |
2011-iRaman-AU_Nanocone_Polycarbonate_SERS | Novel fabrication of an Au Nanocone array on polycarbonate for high performance surface-enhanced Raman scattering | Wei-Yi Chang, Kai-Heng Lin, JingTang Wu, SenYeu Yang, Kuang-Li Lee, and Pei-Kuen Wei | Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 21 (2011) 035023 | 2011 |
2011-iRaman-Hypoglycemic_Drugs_Determination(Chinese) | Determination of hypoglycemic drugs by Raman spectroscopy-discriminative model with small training set (Chinese) | Liu Yan, Zhang Zhonghu and Lu Feng | Computers and Applied Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 11, Nov. 2011 | 2011 |
2011-iRaman-Hypoglycemic_Drugs_Determination2(Chinese) | Fast determination of hypoglycemic drugs by Raman spectroscopy-segmented similarity method | LIU Chang , ZHANG ZhongHu , LIU Yan , LU Feng | Pharm Care Res 2011 Jun; 11( 3) | 2011 |
2011-iRaman-SERS_Pollutants_in_water | Facile On-Site Detection of Substituted Aromatic Pollutants in Water Using Thin Layer Chromatography Combined with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | Dawei Li, Lulu Qu, Wenlei Zhai, Jinqun Xue, John S. Fossey, and Yitao Long | Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 4046-4052 | 2011 |
2011-iRaman-SERS_Pollutants_in_water_support | Supporting information: Facile On-Site Detection of Substituted Aromatic Pollutants in Water Using Thin Layer Chromatography Combined with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | Dawei Li, Lulu Qu, Wenlei Zhai, Jinqun Xue, John S. Fossey, and Yitao Long | Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 4046-4052 | 2011 |
2011-iRaman.Microscope-Nanotube_Theranostics | Combining Portable Raman Probes with Nanotubes for Theranostic Applications | Ashwinkumar A. Bhirde, Gang Liu, Albert Jin, Ramiro Iglesias-Bartolome, Alioscka A. Sousa, Richard D. Leapman, J. Silvio Gutkind, Seulki Lee, and Xiaoyuan Chen | Theranostics 2011; 1:310-321 | 2011 |
2011-iRaman.Microscope-Tooth_Enamel_Alteration | Surface alteration of human tooth enamel subjected to acidic and neutral 30% hydrogen peroxide | Lili Sun, Shanshan Liang, Yue Sa, Zhejun Wang, Xiao Ma, Tao Jiang, Yining Wang | Journal of Dentisty, 39 (2011) 686-692 | 2011 |
2012-Investigation of three home applied bleaching agents on enamel structure and mechanical properties_an in situ study_iRaman.pdf | Investigation of three home-applied bleaching agents on enamel structure and mechanical properties: an in situ study | Y. Sa, Z. Wang, X. Ma, C. Lei, S. Liang, L. Sun, T. Jiang, and Y. Wang | J. Biomedical Optics 17(3), 035002 (March 2012) | 2012 |
2012-iRaman-Honey_Adulteration | Detection of honey adulteration by high fructose corn syrup and maltose syrup using Raman spectroscopy | Shuifang Li, Yang Shan, Xiangrong Zhu, Xin Zhang, Guowei Ling | Journal of Food Composition and Analysis | 2012 |
2012-iRaman-Lalanine_Crystallization | Rapid Crystallization of L-Alanine on Engineered Surfaces by use of Metal-Assisted and Microwave-accelerated Evaporative Crystallization | Anginelle M. Alabanza, Edwin Pozharski, and Kadir Aslan | Crystal Growth & Design. 2012, 12, 346-353 | 2012 |
2012-iRaman-Pharma_iRamanvs.Truscsanvs.QE65000(Chinese) | Comparative study of portable Raman instrumentation for pharmaceutical analysis (Chinese) | Ching Sung, Yan Liu, Xinjia Yu, Gengli Duan, Lifeng Yi, Feng Lu | www.cnki.net | 2012 |
2012-iRaman-Rapid_Glycine_Crystallization | Rapid crystallization of glycine using metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization: the effect of engineered surfaces and sample volume | Tsehai A.J. Grell, Melissa A. Pinard, Danielle Pettis and Kadir Aslan | Nano Biomed. Eng. 2012, 4(3), 125-131 | 2012 |
2012-iRaman-SERS_Monolithic_Column | Ultra sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection based on monolithic column as a new type substrate | Qingqing Li, Yiping Du, Huirong Tang, Xuan Wang, Guiping Chen, Jibran Iqbal, Wenming Wang and Weibing Zhang | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2012. DOI 10.1002/jrs.4095 | 2012 |
2012-iRaman-SERS_nitro_Explosives | Trace level detection and identification of nitro-based explosives by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy | S. Botti, S. Almaviva, L. Cantarini, A. Palucci, A. Puiu and A. Rufoloni | J. Raman Spectrosc. 2013, 44, 463-468 | |
2012-iRaman-SERS_Tricyclazole_Paddy_Rice | Determination of Tricyclazole Content in Paddy Rice by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | Huirong Tang, Dongmei Fang, Qingqing Li, Peng Cao, Jinpei Geng, Tao Sui, Xuan Wang, Jibran Iqbal, and Yiping Du | Journal of Food Science, Vol. 77, #5, 2012 | 2012 |
2013-iRaman-Carbon_Nanotubes | Qualitative detection and quantitative determination of single-walled carbon nanotubes in mixtures of carbon nanotubes with a portable Raman spectrometer | A. I. L´opez-Lorente, B. M. Simonet and M. Valc´arcel | Royal Society of Chemistry, Analyst, 2013, 138, 2378-2385 | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-Counterfeit_drug_ID | A novel identification system for counterfeit drugs based on portable Raman spectroscopy | Lu Feng, Weng Xinxin, Chai Yifeng, Yang Yongjian, Yu Yinjia, Duan Gengli | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 127 (2013) 63-69 | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-Deicer_Quant_Phase_Transition_Detection | De-icer Quantification and Phase Transition Detection by Raman Spectroscopy | I. Durickovic, M. Marchetti, S. Poissonnier, G. Casteran, R. Mansour, N. Schweigert, B. Mars | SAE International Paper 13ATC-0090 https://doi.org/10.4271/2013-01-2101 | 2012 |
2013-iRaman-Nicotinamide_Cocrystals_inline | Green Synthesis of Ibuprofen-Nicotinamide Cocrystals and In-Line Evaluation by Raman Spectroscopy | Frederico L. F. Soares and Renato L. Carneiro | Crystal Growth & Design. 2013, 13, 1510-1517 | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-Paleolithic_Rock_Paintings | Non-invasive portable instrumentation to study Palaeolithic rock paintings: the case of La Peña Cave in San Roman de Candamo (Asturias, Spain) | M. Olivares, K. Castro, M.S. Corchón, D. Gárate, X. Murelaga, A. Sarmiento, N. Etxebarria | 2013 | |
2013-iRaman-Qual&Quant_Carbon_Nanotubes | Qualitative detection and quantitative determination of single-walled carbon nanotubes in mixtures of carbon nanotubes with a portable Raman spectrometer | A. I. L´opez-Lorente, B. M. Simonet and M. Valc´arcel | Royal Society of Chemistry Analyst, 2013, 138, 2378-2385 | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-RamanvsFTIR_Synthetic_conservation_treatments | Portable Raman versus portable mid-FTIR reflectance instruments to monitor synthetic treatments used for the conservation of monument surfaces | Claudia Conti & Jana Striova & Irene Aliatis & Chiara Colombo & Marinella Greco & Elena Possenti & Marco Realini & Luigi Brambilla & Giuseppe Zerbi | Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2013) 405:1733-1741, DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6594-2 | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-SERS_explosives | Assessment of SERS activity and enhancement factors for highly sensitive gold coated substrates probed with explosive molecules | Sabina Botti, Luciano Cantarini, Salvatore Almaviva, Adriana Puiu, Alessandro Rufoloni | Chemical Physics Letters 592 (2014) 277-281 | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-Tabernacle_in_situ | Study of a tabernacle with a remarkable architectural structure: In situ examination using Raman spectroscopy | A. C. Prieto, O. Martínez, J. Souto, M. Avella, and A. Guedes | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2013, 44, 1156-1162 | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-Trace_Nitro_Explosives_SERS | Trace level detection and identification of nitro-based explosives by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy | S. Botti, S. Almaviva, L. Cantarini, A. Palucci, A. Puiu and A. Rufoloni | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2013, 44, 463-468. | 2013 |
2013-iRaman-Transformation_Polymorphic_Drug | Water-mediated solid-state transformation of a polymorphic drug during aqueous-based drug-layer coating of pellets | Andres Lust, Satu Lakio, Julia Vintsevits, Jekaterina Kozlova, Peep Veski,Jyrki Heinämäki, Karin Kogermann | International Journal of Pharmaceutics 456 (2013) 41- 48 | 2013 |
2013-PortableRaman-SERS_Carboxylated_Nanotubes | Bare gold nanoparticles mediated surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic determination and quantification of carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotubes | A.I. Lopez Lorente et. al. | Analytica Chimica Acta 788 (2013) 122-128 | 2013 |
2014-iRaman-CaSO4-H2O_System | Raman Spectra of the Different Phases in the CaSO4-H2O System | Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Olivia Gómez-Laserna, Irantzu Martínez-Arkarazo, María Ángeles Olazabal, and Juan Manuel Madariaga | Analytical Chemistry, dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac501932f | Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 10131-10137 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-Copolymer_Nanofibrous_Drug_Delivery_Systems | Soluplus Graft Copolymer_Potential Novel Carrier Polymer in Electroscopinning of Nanofibrous Drug Delivery Systems for Wound Therapy | U. Paaver, I. Tamm, I. Laidmäe, A. Lust, K. Kirsimäe, P. Veski, K. Kogermann, and J. Heinämäki | BioMed Research International | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-Cyanide_SERS | Simple and sensitive detection of cyanide using pinhole shell-isolated nanoparticle enhanced Raman spectroscopy | Jing Gao, Lei Guo, Jianfeng Wu, Jianlin Feng, Shunmu Wang, Fulong Lai, Jianwei Xie and Zhongqun Tian | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014, 45, 619-626 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-Ibuprofen-Nicotinamide_Co-crystals | Evaluation of analytical tools and multivariate methods for quantification of co-former crystals in ibuprofen-nicotinamide co-crystals | Frederico L. F. Soares and Renato L. Carneiro | Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 89 (2014) 166-175 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-Material lifescience_Structure_resolving | Combined SAXS/UV-vis/Raman as a Diagnostic and Structure Resolving Tool in Materials and Life Sciences Applications | Sylvio Haas, Tomás S. Plivelic, and Cedric Dicko | Journal of Physical Chemistry, dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp412229j | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2264-2273 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-microfluidic_SERS_Phytotoxin_Detection | Capillary-driven surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-based microfluidic chip for abrin detection | H. Yang, M. Deng, S. Ga, S. Chen, L. Kang, J. Wang, W. Xin, T. Zhang, Z. You, Y. An, J. Wang and D. Cui | Nanoscale Research Letters | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-Polymorphs_Carbamazepine_with_Excipients | Simultaneous Quantification of Three Polymorphic Forms of Carbamazepine in the Presence of Excipients Using Raman Spectroscopy | Marco Farias and Renato Carneiro | Molecules 2014, 19, 14128-14138; doi:10.3390/molecules190914128 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-SERS_Milk_Sodium_Thiocyanate | Rapid and simple detection of sodium thiocyanate in milk using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based on silver aggregates | Xiang Lin, Wu-Li-Ji Hasi, Xiu-Tao Lou, Shuang Lin, Fang Yang, Bao-Shen Jia, Yu Cui, De-Xin Ba, Dian-Yang Lin and Zhi-Wei Lu | J. Raman Spectrosc. 2014, 45, 162-167 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-SERS_Substrate_Fabrication | Fabrication of uniform substrate based on silver nanoparticles decorated glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate porous material for ultrasensitive SERS detection | Xuan Wang, Yiping Du, Qingqing Li, Ting Wu, Huilian Hu, Ying Xu, Han Zhang and Yingcheng Pan | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014, 45, 47-53 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-Auto_Standardization_Pharma | Automatic standardization method for Raman spectrometers with applications to pharmaceuticals | Hui Chen, Zhi-Min Zhang, Li Miao, De-Jian Zhan, Yi-Bao Zheng, Yan Liu, Feng Lua, and Yi-Zeng Liang | J. Raman Spectrosc. 2015, 46, 147–154 | 2014 |
2014-iRaman-Carbamazepine_Polymorphs | Simultaneous Quantification of Three Polymorphic Forms of Carbamazepine in the Presence of Excipients Using Raman Spectroscopy | Marco Farias and Renato Carneiro | Molecules 2014, 19, 14128-14138; doi:10.3390/molecules190914128 | 2014 |
2014-iRamanNanoRam-Mixture_analysis | Mixture analysis using reverse searching and non-negative least squares | Zhi-Min Zhang, Xiao-Qing Chen, Hong-Mei Lu, Yi-Zeng Liang, Wei Fan, Deng Xu, Jack Zhou, Fei Ye, Zheng-Yu Yang | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 137 (2014) 10–20 | 2014 |
2015-iRaman-Conical_holed_SERS | Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based on conical holed enhancing substrates | Yao Chen, Zeng-Ping Chen, Qi Zuo, Cai-Xia Shi, Ru-Qin Yu | Analytica Chimica Acta 887 (2015) 45e50 | 2015 |
2015-iRaman-Phosgene_onsite_SERS | On-site detection of phosgene agents by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy coupled with a chemical transformation approach | Haiyue Gao, Jianfeng Wu, Yingjie Zhu, Lei Guo and Jianwei Xie | Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, DOI 10.1002/jrs.4780 | 2015 |
2015-iRaman-Structure_Determination | Structure_determination_and_modeling_of monoclinic trioctylphosphine oxide | V. V. T. Doan-Nguyen, P. J. Carroll and C. B. Murray | Acta Crystallographica Sec. C | 2016 |
2015-iRaman-Uranium_Speciation | Evaluating Best Practices in Raman Spectral Analysis for Uranium Speciation and Relative Abundance in Aqueous Solutions | Grace Lu, Tori Z. Forbes, and Amanda J. Haes | Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 773-780, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03038 | 2015 |
2016-Covalent immobilization of polymer nanoparticles on a gold surface for chemical sensing_iRaman | Covalent immobilization of molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles on a gold surface using carbodiimide coupling for chemical sensing | Tripta Kamra, Shilpi Chaudhary, Changgang Xu, Lars Montelius , Joachim Schnadt, Lei Ye | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 461 (2016) 1-8 | 2016 |
2016-iRaman_Reaction_Kinetics_Hydrocarbons_Rh Catalyst | Annular reactor testing and Raman surface characterization of the CPO of i-octane and n-octane on Rh based catalyst | D. Pagani, R. Batista da Silva Jr., E. Moioli, A. Donazzi, A. Lucotti, M. Tommasini, C. Castiglioni, S. Teixeira Brandao, A. Beretta, G. Groppi | Chem. Eng. J. 294 (2016) 9-21 | 2016 |
2016-iRaman-Characterization_Frozen_Peat_and_Ice | An Assessement of macroscale in situ Raman and UV induced fluoresence spectroscopy for rapid characterization of frozen peat and ground ice | J. Laing, H. Robichaud, E.Cloutis | International Journal of Astrobiology | 2016 |
2016-iRaman-SERS Real_time_Biofouling | Real-time Raman based approach for identification of biofouling | Martin Köglera, Bifeng Zhangb, Li Cuib, Yunjie Shic, Marjo Yliperttula, Timo Laaksonena, Tapani Viitala, Kaisong Zhang | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | 2016 |
2016-iRaman-SERS_Adulterated_Dietary_Supplements | Highly sensitive on site detection of drugs adulterated in botanical dietary supplements using TLC combined with dynamic SERS | Fang Fang, Yunpeng Qi, Feng Lu, Liangbao Yang | Talanta 146 (2016) 351-357 | 2016 |
2017-iRaman-Bioelectronics_Biorecognition_PEDOT | Integration of Biorecognition Elements on PEDOT Platforms through Supramolecular Interactions | Luciano D. Sappia, Esteban Piccinini, Waldemar Marmisollé, Natalia Santilli, Eliana Maza, Sergio Moya, Fernando Battaglini, Rossana E. Madrid, and Omar Azzaroni | Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 1700502 | 2017 |
2017-iRaman-Cocrystallization and quantification_carbamazepine-nicotinamide | In-line monitoring of cocrystallization process and quantification of carbamazepine-nicotinamide cocrystal using Raman spectroscopy and chemometric tools | Frederico L.F. Soares, Renato L. Carneiro | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 180 (2017) 1-8 | 2017 |
2017-iRaman-paper SERS_Plant_Tissue | In situ fabrication of label-free optical sensing paper strips for the rapid surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection of brassinosteroids in plant tissues | Miao Chen, Zhimin Zhang, Minzhuo Liu, Chen Qiu, Hua Yang, Xiaoqing Chen | Talanta 165 (2017) 313-320 | 2017 |
2017-iRaman-Polymer_Gating_Nanofluidic_Diode | An All-Plastic Field-Effect Nanofluidic Diode Gated by a Conducting Polymer Layer | Gonzalo Pérez-Mitta, Waldemar A. Marmisollé, Christina Trautmann, María Eugenia Toimil-Molares, and Omar Azzaroni | Adv. Mater. 2017, 1700972 | 2017 |
2017-iRaman-SERS_Alumina_Ceramics | A simple drop-and-detect method using porous alumina ceramics as platforms for rapid surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy | Xiutao Lou, Xiaorong Zhao, Xiang Lin, Meiling Zhang, Lianjie Xu, Haoruo Wang, Wuliji Hasi and Zhiwei Lu | J. Raman Spectrosc. 2017, 48, 89-96 | 2017 |
2017-iRaman-SERS_Xanthine_Mixture | Dynamic-SERS spectroscopy for the in situ discrimination of xanthine analogues in ternary mixture | Meiran Wu & Hao Li & Diya Lv & Feng Lu | Anal Bioanal Chem (2017) 409:5569-5579 | 2017 |
2017-Standard dilution analysis_ ethanol in gasoline by Raman spectroscopy_iRaman | Expanding the potentialities of standard dilution analysis- Determination of ethanol in gasoline by Raman spectroscopy | Felipe M. Fortunato, Alan L. Vieira, José A. Gomes Neto, George L. Donati, Bradley T. Jones | Microchem J. 133 (2017), 76-80 doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2017.03.015 | 2017 |
2018-iRaman-Ceramic_Nanotube_SERS | Natural Ceramic Nanotube Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | Vladimir A. Vinokurov, Dmitry, S. Kopitsyn, Mikhail S. Kotelev, Evgenii, V. Ivanov, Yuri M. Lvov & Andrei, A. Novikov | The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, DOI 10.1007/s11837-015-1494-5 | 2018 |
2018-iRaman-Crystalline_silica_Aerosol | Analysis of Crystalline Silica Aerosol Using Portable Raman Spectrometry: Feasibility of Near Real-Time Measurement | Lina Zheng, Pramod Kulkarni, M. Eileen Birch, Kevin Ashley, and Shijun Wei | Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 6229-6239 | 2018 |
2018-i-Raman-Nanofluidic_diode_Gating_rectification | Proton-Gated Rectification Regimes in Nanofluidic Diodes Switched by Chemical Effectors | Gonzalo Pérez-Mitta, Waldemar A. Marmisolle, Loïc Burr, María Eugenia Toimil-Molares, Christina Trautmann, and Omar Azzaroni | Small 2018, 1703144 | 2018 |
2018-iRaman-SERS_oxidation_capping_agent | Amplification of surface-enhanced Raman scattering by the oxidation of capping agents on gold nanoparticles | M. V. Gorbachevskii, D. S. Kopitsyn, M. S. Kotelev, E. V. Ivanov, V. A. Vinokurov and A. A. Novikov | 2018 | |
2018-iRaman-SERS_Sulfur_Dioxide_Wine | Headspace-Sampling Paper-Based Analytical Device for Colorimetric/Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Dual Sensing of Sulfur Dioxide in Wine | Dan Li, Huazhen Duan, Yadan Ma, and Wei Deng | Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 5719-5727 | 2018 |
2018-iRaman-SERS_TLC_Combo_Detection | A separable surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate modified with MIL-101 for detection of overlapping and invisible compounds after thin-layer chromatography development | Bin bin Zhang, Yi Shi, Hui Chen, Qing xia Zhu, Feng Lu, Ying wei Li | Analytica Chimica Acta 997 (2018) 35e43 | 2018 |
2018-iRaman-SERS-VitaminB_PharmaFormulations | Determination of B complex vitamins in pharmaceutical formulations by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy | Benedito R. A. Junior, Frederico L. F. Soares, Jorge A. Ardila, Luis G. C. Durango, Moacir R. Forim, Renato L. Carneiro | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 188 (2018) 589-595 | 2018 |
2018-Predicting aged pork quality using a portable Raman device | Predicting aged pork quality using a portable Raman device | C.C. Santos et al | Meat Science 145 (2018) 79-85 | 2018 |
2019-Fluconazole_Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Four New Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Forms_iRaman.pdf | Fluconazole:Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Four New Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Forms | B. C. Dayo Owoyemi, C. C. P. da Silva, M. S. Souza, L. F. Diniz, J. Ellena, and R. L. Carneiro | Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, 648-657; DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01194 | 2019 |
2019-Elucidating the composition of animation cells by non_invasive techniques_i_Raman .pdf | Elucidating the composition and the state of conservation of nitrocellulose-based animation cells by means of non-invasive and micro-destructive techniques | F. C. Izzoa, A.Carrieri, G. Bartolozzi, H. van Keulen, I. Lorenzon, E. Balliana, C. Cucci, F. Grazzi, M. Picollo | Journal of Cultural Heritage 35 (2019) 254-262; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.09.010 | 2019 |
2018 On‐site detection of succinylcholine in biomedical matrix by SERS Wang_et_al_JRS-iRaman.pdf | On‐site detection of succinylcholine in biomedical matrix by SERS | K. Wang, Y. Zhu, J. Wu, L. Guo, J. Xie | J Raman Spectrosc. 2018;49:1461-1468. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5416 | 2018 |
2019 Ex Vivo Raman Spectrochemical analysis using a handheld probe shows predictive capability of brain tumour status_Bury_i_Raman.pdf | Ex Vivo Raman Spectrochemical Analysis Using a Handheld Probe Demonstrates High Predictive Capability of Brain Tumour Status | Danielle Bury, Camilo L. M. Morais, Katherine M. Ashton, Timothy P. Dawson and Francis L. Martin | Biosensors 2019, 9, 49; doi:10.3390/bios9020049 | 2019 |