Рамановский спектрометр i-Raman

Высокоразрешающая волоконно-оптическая система рамановской спектроскопии i-Raman с ТЕ охлаждением

  • Запатентованная технология стабилизации лазерного излучения
  • Широкий диапазон комбинационного сдвига (до 4000 см-1)
  • Измерения до 150 см-1 от линии Рэлея (опция до 65 см-1)
  • Спектральное разрешение 3,5 см-1
  • ПЗС-матрица из 2048 пикселей с ТЕ охлаждением
  • Длина волны возбуждения лазера 532 нм или 785 нм
  • Оптоволоконный зонд для удобства проведения анализа

Производитель B&WTek


  • Запатентованная технология стабилизации лазерного излучения CleanLaze
  • Измерения до 150 см-1 от линии Рэлея (опция до 65 см-1)
  • Оптоволоконный зонд для удобства проведения анализа
  • Спектральное разрешение 3,5 см-1
  • ПЗС-линейка из 2048 пикселей с термоэлектрическим охлаждением 
  • Перекрытие широкого диапазона по рамановскому сдвигу

Рамановская система i-Raman оснащена запатентованной технологией стабилизации лазерного излучения и узкой шириной линии.

Другие особенности заключаются в высоком спектральном разрешении (до 3,5 см-1), широком диапазоне комбинационного сдвига (до 4000 см-1) и в TE охлаждении ПЗС-матрицы, состоящей из 2048 пикселей. С помощью удобного волоконно-оптического интерфейса, он может собирать данные с линией  Рэлея, равной 65 см-1.

i-Raman является уникальным прибором, обладающим высоким разрешением, легким весом (4,6 кг), мобильностью и производительностью, сравнимой с большими настольными рамановскими системами. Малые размеры опорной поверхности, занимаемой системой, легкая конструкция и низкое энергопотребление обеспечивают исследование комбинационного рассеяния с лабораторной точностью в любом месте!

Прибор i-Raman оснащается лазерным источником возбуждения с центральной длиной волны (на выбор) 532 нм или 785 нм. Максимально эффективное время интеграции порядка 1 минуты. Это делает i-Raman идеально подходящим для ресурсоемких приложений, связанных с низкой концентрацией исследуемых веществ и слабым рамановским рассеиванием.


Возможности интеграции

Дополнительное комплектование
системы микроскопом

Оснащение уже имеющихся микроскопов адаптером для подключения спектрометра

А так же другие опции.

Программное обеспечение

Мы предлагаем обширный пакет программного обеспечения, которое предоставляет массу решений в области рамановской спектроскопии. Мощные вычислительные функции, легкое управление данными, простой пользовательский интерфейс и простота общего использования – все в Ваших руках с пакетами программного обеспечения BWTek. Основой всех вычислительных платформ является программа BWSpecTM, которая бесплатно поставляется со всеми нашими спектрометрами. Для проведения быстрой идентификации и проверки на соответствие Вы можете использовать другое программное обеспечение, построенное на основе BWSpecTM – BWIDTM (опция). Для промышленных или медицинских применений, требующих соответствия государственным нормам регулирования Вы можете использовать программное обеспечение BWIDTM-Pharma, которое поддерживает все требования в соответствии с FDA 21 CFR часть 11.

Также в общий пакет программ входит программное обеспечение BWIQTM, используемое со спектрометрами серии i-Raman Plus и другими спектрометрами высокого разрешения. Данное программное обеспечение представляет собой программу для многовариантного анализа, позволяющее анализировать полученные спектральные данные, чтобы отражать внутренние связи между спектрами и данными отклика или спектрами и классами образцов, т.е. позволяет определять количественный состав нескольких компонентов в одном веществе. Объединяя новые и традиционные алгоритмы коррекции (airPLS и PLS) с быстрыми и точными алгоритмами линейной алгебры, BWIQTM представляет собой новое поколение программного обеспечения для спектрального анализа, отличающееся скоростью, точностью и производительностью.

Технические характеристики

532 нм > 40 мВт (макс. 50 мВт)
785 нм > 320 мВт (макс. 420 мВт)
Контроль выходной мощности излучения лазера Программно от 0% до 100% на 532 нм и 785 нм
Спектрометр Рабочий диапазон Разрешение
i-Raman-532S 150 см-1 – 4000 см-1 ~ 4.5 см-1 @ 614 нм
i-Raman-532H 150 см-1 – 3300 см-1 ~ 3.5 см-1 @ 614 нм
i-Raman-785S 150 см-1 – 3200 см-1 ~ 4.5 см-1 @ 912 нм
i-Raman-785H 150 см-1 – 2700 см-1 ~ 3.5 см-1 @ 912 нм
Соединение с ПК USB 2.0 / 1.1
Режим запуска (триггер) Да (совместим с зондами BWTek)
АС (опционно) 100 – 240 В переменного тока, 50 – 60 Гц
DC (стандартно) 5 В постоянного тока при 8 А
Тип детектора ПЗС-линейка с термоэлектрическим охлаждением
Количество пикселей 2048
Размер пикселя 14 мкм x 200 мкм
Температура охлаждения детектора 10 °C
Динамический диапазон 1300:1
Разрешение цифрового преобразователя 16-бит или 65 535:1
Скорость считывания 500 кГц
Время интегрирования 5 мс - 65 535 мс
Физические характеристики
Габаритные размеры 17 см x 34 см x 23.4 см
Вес ~ 4,6 кг
Рабочая температура 10 °C - 35 °C
Температура хранения -10 °C - 60 °C
Влажность 10% - 85%
Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского
г. Саратов, Россия

Мы искали недорогой вариант мобильного спектрометра для экспресс-анализа с длиной волны лазера 785 нм и оптоволоконным датчиком.

Читать отзыв
Название документа Название статьи Авторы Издание Год публикации
2005-Raman-Design_Phosphorus_Sensing(Abstract) Design of a Portable Raman Sensor for Phosphorus Sensing in Soils Ismail Bogrekci and Won Suk Lee ASABE Annual International Meeting 2005
2006-Raman_Setup-Teaching_Raman Teaching Raman Spectroscopy in Both the Undergraduate Classroom and the Laboratory with a Portable Raman Instrument Evan D. Hudspeth, Danielle Cleveland, Kathleen L. Batchler, Phuong A. Nguyen, Tracey L. Feaser, Lauren E. Quattrochi, Jesse Morenz, Shrimati A. Balram, and Robert G. Michel Spectroscopy Letters, 39: 99-115, 2006 2006
2006-Raman-Particle_Size_Phosphorus_Sensing(Abstract) The Effect of Particle Size on Sensing Phosphorus by Raman Spectroscopy (Abstract) Ismail Bogrekci and Won Suk Lee ASABE Annual International Meeting 2006
2007-Raman-Quantification_Ethanol_Qualitative_Marine_Diesels Raman Spectroscopy for the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory: Quantification of Ethanol Concentration in Consumer Alcoholic Beverages and Qualitative Identification of Marine Diesels Using a Miniature Raman Spectrometer Danielle Cleveland; Matthew Carlson; Evan D. Hudspeth; Lauren E. Quattrochi; Kathleen L. Batchler; Shrimati A. Balram; Seongun Hong; Robert G. Michel Spectroscopy Letters, 40:6, 903 -924 2007
2008-Raman-Insulin_Aggregates Multivariate Calibration of Covalent Aggregate Fraction to the Raman Spectrum of Regular Human Insulin CONNIE M. GRYNIEWICZ, JOHN F. KAUFFMAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, VOL. 97, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2008 2008
2010-Raman-Art_Material_Deterioration(ChineseAbstract) Study of Mobile Raman Spectroscopy for Rapid Evaluation of Deteriorating of Art Materials under UV Irradiation (Abstract, Chinese) LUO Xi-yun, YE Fei, WU Lai-ming, YUAN Sheng-wei, ZHANG Wei-bing, DU Yi-ping 2010
2010-Raman-Fluorescence_Correction_Medicine(Chinese) Raman Spectroscopy Fluorescence Background Correction and Its Application in Clustering Analysis of Medicines (Chinese) CHEN Shan, LI Xiao-ning, LIANG Yi-zeng, ZHANG Zhi-min, LIU Zhao-xia, ZHANG Qi-ming, DING Li-xia, YE Fei www.cnki.net 2010
2011-Raman-Quantitative_Hydrogen_Peroxide(Abstract) Quantitative Raman determination of hydrogen peroxide using the solvent as internal standard: Online application in the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide (Abstract) T. Moreno, M.A. Morán López, I. Huerta Illera, C.M. Piqueras, A. Sanz Arranz, J. García Serna, M.J. Cocero Chemical Engineering Journal 166 (2011) 1061-1065 2011
2012-Raman-Piroxicam_Soluability Insight into the solubility and dissolution behavior of piroxicam anhydrate and monohydrate forms Urve Paaver, Andres Lust, Sabiruddin Mirza, Jukka Rantanen, Peep Veski, Jyrki Heinämäki, Karin Kogermann International Journal of Pharmaceutics 431 (2012) 111- 119 2012
2008-iRaman-Diamond_Membranes_Quality Raman Spectroscopy for Quick Quality Analysis of Diamond Membranes Joseph Tabeling, Applied Diamond, Inc., B&W Tek 2008
2008-iRaman-Microscopes_Deteriorated_Stones Evaluation of three different mobile Raman microscopes employed to study deteriorated civil building stones I. Mart´ınez-Arkarazo, D. C. Smith, O. Zuloaga, M. A. Olazabal and J. M. Madariaga Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2008. (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/jrs.1941 2008
2009-iRaman-Characterization_Hydratedsulfates_Acidicwater Raman Spectroscopy, a Powerful Tool for the Characterization of Hydrated Sulfates and Acidic Water in Rio Tinto (Spain) P. Sobron, A. Sansano, A. Sanz, T. Acosta, B. Lafuente, F. Rull, F. Sobron, J. Medina https://www.researchgate.net/publication/253352970 2009
2009-iRaman-Cultural_Heritage Raman Spectroscopy at low cost for Cultural Heritage Madatec 2009
2009-iRaman-Fluorescence_Background_Correction An intelligent background-correction algorithm for highly fluorescent samples in Raman spectroscopy Zhi-Min Zhang, Shan Chen, Yi-Zeng Liang, Zhao-Xia Liu, Qi-Ming Zhang, Li-Xia Ding, Fei Ye and Hua Zhou Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2010, 41, 659-669 2009
2009-iRaman-NIR_Raman_Compare_Polymers A NEW RAPID ANALYSIS METHOD FOR FLAME RETARDANTS IN POLYMERS P Baird, I Finberg, P Georlette, H. Herman, W. Mortimore, G. C. Stevens N/A (GnoSys publication) 2009
2010-iRaman-Baseline_Correction_LSR Baseline correction using adaptive iteratively reweighted penalized least squares Zhi-Min Zhang, Shan Chen and Yi-Zeng Liang Royal Society of Chemistry, Analyst, 2010, 135, 1138-1146 2010
2010-iRaman-Counterfeit_Hypoglycemic_Agents(Chinese) Algorithms of Raman spectrum analysis in fast identification of counterfeit hypoglycemic agents (Chinese) Ching Sung, Xinxin Wong, Feng Lu Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University,Sep. 2010,Vol. 31,No. 9 2010
2010-iRaman-Environmental_Impact_Sculptures Environmental Impact on Richard Serra’s sculptures: A Portable Instrumentation Study K. Castro, J. Aramendia, A. Sanz, D. Vega and J.M. Madariaga Impact of the Environment Indoor on the Preservation of our Movable Heritage, D42, Dublin, 2010 2010
2010-iRaman-SERS_Aliline_Phenol Portable Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensor for Rapid Detection of Aniline and Phenol Derivatives by On-Site Electrostatic Preconcentration Dan Li, Da-Wei Li, John S. Fossey, and Yi-Tao Long Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 9299-9305 2010
2011-iRaman-AU_Nanocone_Polycarbonate_SERS Novel fabrication of an Au Nanocone array on polycarbonate for high performance surface-enhanced Raman scattering Wei-Yi Chang, Kai-Heng Lin, JingTang Wu, SenYeu Yang, Kuang-Li Lee, and Pei-Kuen Wei Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 21 (2011) 035023 2011
2011-iRaman-Hypoglycemic_Drugs_Determination(Chinese) Determination of hypoglycemic drugs by Raman spectroscopy-discriminative model with small training set (Chinese) Liu Yan, Zhang Zhonghu and Lu Feng Computers and Applied Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 11, Nov. 2011 2011
2011-iRaman-Hypoglycemic_Drugs_Determination2(Chinese) Fast determination of hypoglycemic drugs by Raman spectroscopy-segmented similarity method LIU Chang , ZHANG ZhongHu , LIU Yan , LU Feng Pharm Care Res  2011 Jun; 11( 3) 2011
2011-iRaman-SERS_Pollutants_in_water Facile On-Site Detection of Substituted Aromatic Pollutants in Water Using Thin Layer Chromatography Combined with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Dawei Li, Lulu Qu, Wenlei Zhai, Jinqun Xue, John S. Fossey, and Yitao Long Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 4046-4052 2011
2011-iRaman-SERS_Pollutants_in_water_support Supporting information: Facile On-Site Detection of Substituted Aromatic Pollutants in Water Using Thin Layer Chromatography Combined with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Dawei Li, Lulu Qu, Wenlei Zhai, Jinqun Xue, John S. Fossey, and Yitao Long Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 4046-4052 2011
2011-iRaman.Microscope-Nanotube_Theranostics Combining Portable Raman Probes with Nanotubes for Theranostic Applications Ashwinkumar A. Bhirde, Gang Liu, Albert Jin, Ramiro Iglesias-Bartolome, Alioscka A. Sousa, Richard D. Leapman, J. Silvio Gutkind, Seulki Lee, and Xiaoyuan Chen Theranostics 2011; 1:310-321 2011
2011-iRaman.Microscope-Tooth_Enamel_Alteration Surface alteration of human tooth enamel subjected to acidic and neutral 30% hydrogen peroxide Lili Sun, Shanshan Liang, Yue Sa, Zhejun Wang, Xiao Ma, Tao Jiang, Yining Wang Journal of Dentisty, 39 (2011) 686-692 2011
2012-Investigation of three home applied bleaching agents on enamel structure and mechanical properties_an in situ study_iRaman.pdf Investigation of three home-applied bleaching agents on enamel structure and mechanical properties: an in situ study Y. Sa, Z. Wang, X. Ma, C. Lei, S. Liang, L. Sun, T. Jiang, and Y. Wang J. Biomedical Optics 17(3), 035002 (March 2012) 2012
2012-iRaman-Honey_Adulteration Detection of honey adulteration by high fructose corn syrup and maltose syrup using Raman spectroscopy Shuifang Li, Yang Shan, Xiangrong Zhu, Xin Zhang, Guowei Ling Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2012
2012-iRaman-Lalanine_Crystallization Rapid Crystallization of L-Alanine on Engineered Surfaces by use of Metal-Assisted and Microwave-accelerated Evaporative Crystallization Anginelle M. Alabanza, Edwin Pozharski, and Kadir Aslan Crystal Growth & Design. 2012, 12, 346-353 2012
2012-iRaman-Pharma_iRamanvs.Truscsanvs.QE65000(Chinese) Comparative study of portable Raman instrumentation for pharmaceutical analysis (Chinese) Ching Sung, Yan Liu, Xinjia Yu, Gengli Duan, Lifeng Yi, Feng Lu www.cnki.net 2012
2012-iRaman-Rapid_Glycine_Crystallization Rapid crystallization of glycine using metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization: the effect of engineered surfaces and sample volume Tsehai A.J. Grell, Melissa A. Pinard, Danielle Pettis and Kadir Aslan Nano Biomed. Eng. 2012, 4(3), 125-131 2012
2012-iRaman-SERS_Monolithic_Column Ultra sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection based on monolithic column as a new type substrate Qingqing Li, Yiping Du, Huirong Tang, Xuan Wang, Guiping Chen, Jibran Iqbal, Wenming Wang and Weibing Zhang Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2012. DOI 10.1002/jrs.4095 2012
2012-iRaman-SERS_nitro_Explosives Trace level detection and identification of nitro-based explosives by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy S. Botti, S. Almaviva, L. Cantarini, A. Palucci, A. Puiu and A. Rufoloni J. Raman Spectrosc. 2013, 44, 463-468
2012-iRaman-SERS_Tricyclazole_Paddy_Rice Determination of Tricyclazole Content in Paddy Rice by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Huirong Tang, Dongmei Fang, Qingqing Li, Peng Cao, Jinpei Geng, Tao Sui, Xuan Wang, Jibran Iqbal, and Yiping Du Journal of Food Science, Vol. 77, #5, 2012 2012
2013-iRaman-Carbon_Nanotubes Qualitative detection and quantitative determination of single-walled carbon nanotubes in mixtures of carbon nanotubes with a portable Raman spectrometer A. I. L´opez-Lorente, B. M. Simonet and M. Valc´arcel Royal Society of Chemistry, Analyst, 2013, 138, 2378-2385 2013
2013-iRaman-Counterfeit_drug_ID A novel identification system for counterfeit drugs based on portable Raman spectroscopy Lu Feng, Weng Xinxin, Chai Yifeng, Yang Yongjian, Yu Yinjia, Duan Gengli Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 127 (2013) 63-69 2013
2013-iRaman-Deicer_Quant_Phase_Transition_Detection De-icer Quantification and Phase Transition Detection by Raman Spectroscopy I. Durickovic, M. Marchetti, S. Poissonnier, G. Casteran, R. Mansour, N. Schweigert, B. Mars SAE International Paper 13ATC-0090  https://doi.org/10.4271/2013-01-2101 2012
2013-iRaman-Nicotinamide_Cocrystals_inline Green Synthesis of Ibuprofen-Nicotinamide Cocrystals and In-Line Evaluation by Raman Spectroscopy Frederico L. F. Soares and Renato L. Carneiro Crystal Growth & Design. 2013, 13, 1510-1517 2013
2013-iRaman-Paleolithic_Rock_Paintings Non-invasive portable instrumentation to study Palaeolithic rock paintings: the case of La Peña Cave in San Roman de Candamo (Asturias, Spain) M. Olivares, K. Castro, M.S. Corchón, D. Gárate, X. Murelaga, A. Sarmiento, N. Etxebarria 2013
2013-iRaman-Qual&Quant_Carbon_Nanotubes Qualitative detection and quantitative determination of single-walled carbon nanotubes in mixtures of carbon nanotubes with a portable Raman spectrometer A. I. L´opez-Lorente, B. M. Simonet and M. Valc´arcel Royal Society of Chemistry Analyst, 2013, 138, 2378-2385 2013
2013-iRaman-RamanvsFTIR_Synthetic_conservation_treatments Portable Raman versus portable mid-FTIR reflectance instruments to monitor synthetic treatments used for the conservation of monument surfaces Claudia Conti & Jana Striova & Irene Aliatis & Chiara Colombo & Marinella Greco & Elena Possenti & Marco Realini & Luigi Brambilla & Giuseppe Zerbi Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2013) 405:1733-1741, DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6594-2 2013
2013-iRaman-SERS_explosives Assessment of SERS activity and enhancement factors for highly sensitive gold coated substrates probed with explosive molecules Sabina Botti, Luciano Cantarini, Salvatore Almaviva, Adriana Puiu, Alessandro Rufoloni Chemical Physics Letters 592 (2014) 277-281 2013
2013-iRaman-Tabernacle_in_situ Study of a tabernacle with a remarkable architectural structure: In situ examination using Raman spectroscopy A. C. Prieto, O. Martínez, J. Souto, M. Avella, and A. Guedes Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2013, 44, 1156-1162 2013
2013-iRaman-Trace_Nitro_Explosives_SERS Trace level detection and identification of nitro-based explosives by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy S. Botti, S. Almaviva, L. Cantarini, A. Palucci, A. Puiu and A. Rufoloni Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2013, 44, 463-468. 2013
2013-iRaman-Transformation_Polymorphic_Drug Water-mediated solid-state transformation of a polymorphic drug during aqueous-based drug-layer coating of pellets Andres Lust, Satu Lakio, Julia Vintsevits, Jekaterina Kozlova, Peep Veski,Jyrki Heinämäki, Karin Kogermann International Journal of Pharmaceutics 456 (2013) 41- 48 2013
2013-PortableRaman-SERS_Carboxylated_Nanotubes Bare gold nanoparticles mediated surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic determination and quantification of carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotubes A.I. Lopez Lorente et. al. Analytica Chimica Acta 788 (2013) 122-128 2013
2014-iRaman-CaSO4-H2O_System Raman Spectra of the Different Phases in the CaSO4-H2O System Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Olivia Gómez-Laserna, Irantzu Martínez-Arkarazo, María Ángeles Olazabal, and Juan Manuel Madariaga Analytical Chemistry, dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac501932f | Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 10131-10137 2014
2014-iRaman-Copolymer_Nanofibrous_Drug_Delivery_Systems  Soluplus Graft Copolymer_Potential Novel Carrier Polymer in Electroscopinning of Nanofibrous Drug Delivery Systems for Wound Therapy U. Paaver, I. Tamm, I. Laidmäe, A. Lust, K. Kirsimäe, P. Veski, K. Kogermann, and J. Heinämäki BioMed Research International 2014
2014-iRaman-Cyanide_SERS Simple and sensitive detection of cyanide using pinhole shell-isolated nanoparticle enhanced Raman spectroscopy Jing Gao, Lei Guo, Jianfeng Wu, Jianlin Feng, Shunmu Wang, Fulong Lai, Jianwei Xie and Zhongqun Tian Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014, 45, 619-626 2014
2014-iRaman-Ibuprofen-Nicotinamide_Co-crystals Evaluation of analytical tools and multivariate methods for quantification of co-former crystals in ibuprofen-nicotinamide co-crystals Frederico L. F. Soares and Renato L. Carneiro Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 89 (2014) 166-175 2014
2014-iRaman-Material lifescience_Structure_resolving Combined SAXS/UV-vis/Raman as a Diagnostic and Structure Resolving Tool in Materials and Life Sciences Applications Sylvio Haas, Tomás S. Plivelic, and Cedric Dicko Journal of Physical Chemistry, dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp412229j | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2264-2273 2014
2014-iRaman-microfluidic_SERS_Phytotoxin_Detection Capillary-driven surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-based microfluidic chip for abrin detection H. Yang, M. Deng, S. Ga, S. Chen, L. Kang, J. Wang, W. Xin, T. Zhang, Z. You, Y. An, J. Wang and D. Cui Nanoscale Research Letters 2014
2014-iRaman-Polymorphs_Carbamazepine_with_Excipients Simultaneous Quantification of Three Polymorphic Forms of Carbamazepine in the Presence of Excipients Using Raman Spectroscopy Marco Farias and Renato Carneiro Molecules 2014, 19, 14128-14138; doi:10.3390/molecules190914128 2014
2014-iRaman-SERS_Milk_Sodium_Thiocyanate Rapid and simple detection of sodium thiocyanate in milk using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based on silver aggregates Xiang Lin, Wu-Li-Ji Hasi, Xiu-Tao Lou, Shuang Lin, Fang Yang, Bao-Shen Jia, Yu Cui, De-Xin Ba, Dian-Yang Lin and Zhi-Wei Lu J. Raman Spectrosc. 2014, 45, 162-167 2014
2014-iRaman-SERS_Substrate_Fabrication Fabrication of uniform substrate based on silver nanoparticles decorated glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate porous material for ultrasensitive SERS detection  Xuan Wang, Yiping Du, Qingqing Li, Ting Wu, Huilian Hu, Ying Xu, Han Zhang and Yingcheng Pan Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2014, 45, 47-53 2014
2014-iRaman-Auto_Standardization_Pharma Automatic standardization method for Raman spectrometers with applications to pharmaceuticals Hui Chen, Zhi-Min Zhang, Li Miao, De-Jian Zhan, Yi-Bao Zheng, Yan Liu, Feng Lua, and Yi-Zeng Liang J. Raman Spectrosc. 2015, 46, 147–154 2014
2014-iRaman-Carbamazepine_Polymorphs Simultaneous Quantification of Three Polymorphic Forms of Carbamazepine in the Presence of Excipients Using Raman Spectroscopy Marco Farias and Renato Carneiro Molecules 2014, 19, 14128-14138; doi:10.3390/molecules190914128 2014
2014-iRamanNanoRam-Mixture_analysis Mixture analysis using reverse searching and non-negative least squares Zhi-Min Zhang, Xiao-Qing Chen, Hong-Mei Lu, Yi-Zeng Liang, Wei Fan, Deng Xu, Jack Zhou, Fei Ye, Zheng-Yu Yang Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 137 (2014) 10–20 2014
2015-iRaman-Conical_holed_SERS Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based on conical holed enhancing substrates Yao Chen, Zeng-Ping Chen, Qi Zuo, Cai-Xia Shi, Ru-Qin Yu Analytica Chimica Acta 887 (2015) 45e50 2015
2015-iRaman-Phosgene_onsite_SERS On-site detection of phosgene agents by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy coupled with a chemical transformation approach Haiyue Gao, Jianfeng Wu, Yingjie Zhu, Lei Guo and Jianwei Xie Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, DOI 10.1002/jrs.4780 2015
2015-iRaman-Structure_Determination Structure_determination_and_modeling_of monoclinic trioctylphosphine oxide V. V. T. Doan-Nguyen, P. J. Carroll and C. B. Murray Acta Crystallographica Sec. C 2016
2015-iRaman-Uranium_Speciation Evaluating Best Practices in Raman Spectral Analysis for Uranium Speciation and Relative Abundance in Aqueous Solutions Grace Lu, Tori Z. Forbes, and Amanda J. Haes Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 773-780, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03038 2015
2016-Covalent immobilization of polymer nanoparticles on a gold surface for chemical sensing_iRaman Covalent immobilization of molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles on a gold surface using carbodiimide coupling for chemical sensing Tripta Kamra, Shilpi Chaudhary, Changgang Xu, Lars Montelius , Joachim Schnadt, Lei Ye Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 461 (2016) 1-8 2016
2016-iRaman_Reaction_Kinetics_Hydrocarbons_Rh Catalyst Annular reactor testing and Raman surface characterization of the CPO of i-octane and n-octane on Rh based catalyst D. Pagani, R. Batista da Silva Jr., E. Moioli, A. Donazzi, A. Lucotti, M. Tommasini, C. Castiglioni, S. Teixeira Brandao, A. Beretta, G. Groppi Chem. Eng. J. 294 (2016) 9-21 2016
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2016-iRaman-SERS Real_time_Biofouling  Real-time Raman based approach for identification of biofouling Martin Köglera, Bifeng Zhangb, Li Cuib, Yunjie Shic, Marjo Yliperttula, Timo Laaksonena, Tapani Viitala, Kaisong Zhang Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2016
2016-iRaman-SERS_Adulterated_Dietary_Supplements Highly sensitive on site detection of drugs adulterated in botanical dietary supplements using TLC combined with dynamic SERS Fang Fang, Yunpeng Qi, Feng Lu, Liangbao Yang Talanta 146 (2016) 351-357 2016
2017-iRaman-Bioelectronics_Biorecognition_PEDOT Integration of Biorecognition Elements on PEDOT Platforms through Supramolecular Interactions Luciano D. Sappia, Esteban Piccinini, Waldemar Marmisollé, Natalia Santilli, Eliana Maza, Sergio Moya, Fernando Battaglini, Rossana E. Madrid, and Omar Azzaroni Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 1700502 2017
2017-iRaman-Cocrystallization and quantification_carbamazepine-nicotinamide In-line monitoring of cocrystallization process and quantification of carbamazepine-nicotinamide cocrystal using Raman spectroscopy and chemometric tools Frederico L.F. Soares, Renato L. Carneiro Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 180 (2017) 1-8 2017
2017-iRaman-paper SERS_Plant_Tissue In situ fabrication of label-free optical sensing paper strips for the rapid surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection of brassinosteroids in plant tissues Miao Chen, Zhimin Zhang, Minzhuo Liu, Chen Qiu, Hua Yang, Xiaoqing Chen Talanta 165 (2017) 313-320 2017
2017-iRaman-Polymer_Gating_Nanofluidic_Diode An All-Plastic Field-Effect Nanofluidic Diode Gated by a Conducting Polymer Layer Gonzalo Pérez-Mitta, Waldemar A. Marmisollé, Christina Trautmann, María Eugenia Toimil-Molares, and Omar Azzaroni Adv. Mater. 2017, 1700972 2017
2017-iRaman-SERS_Alumina_Ceramics A simple drop-and-detect method using porous alumina ceramics as platforms for rapid surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy Xiutao Lou, Xiaorong Zhao, Xiang Lin, Meiling Zhang, Lianjie Xu, Haoruo Wang, Wuliji Hasi and Zhiwei Lu J. Raman Spectrosc. 2017, 48, 89-96 2017
2017-iRaman-SERS_Xanthine_Mixture Dynamic-SERS spectroscopy for the in situ discrimination of xanthine analogues in ternary mixture Meiran Wu & Hao Li & Diya Lv & Feng Lu Anal Bioanal Chem (2017) 409:5569-5579 2017
2017-Standard dilution analysis_ ethanol in gasoline by Raman spectroscopy_iRaman Expanding the potentialities of standard dilution analysis- Determination of ethanol in gasoline by Raman spectroscopy Felipe M. Fortunato, Alan L. Vieira, José A. Gomes Neto, George L. Donati, Bradley T. Jones Microchem J. 133 (2017), 76-80  doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2017.03.015 2017
2018-iRaman-Ceramic_Nanotube_SERS Natural Ceramic Nanotube Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Vladimir A. Vinokurov, Dmitry, S. Kopitsyn, Mikhail S. Kotelev, Evgenii, V. Ivanov, Yuri M. Lvov & Andrei, A. Novikov The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, DOI 10.1007/s11837-015-1494-5 2018
2018-iRaman-Crystalline_silica_Aerosol Analysis of Crystalline Silica Aerosol Using Portable Raman Spectrometry: Feasibility of Near Real-Time Measurement Lina Zheng, Pramod Kulkarni, M. Eileen Birch, Kevin Ashley, and Shijun Wei Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 6229-6239 2018
2018-i-Raman-Nanofluidic_diode_Gating_rectification Proton-Gated Rectification Regimes in Nanofluidic Diodes Switched by Chemical Effectors Gonzalo Pérez-Mitta, Waldemar A. Marmisolle, Loïc Burr, María Eugenia Toimil-Molares, Christina Trautmann, and Omar Azzaroni Small 2018, 1703144 2018
2018-iRaman-SERS_oxidation_capping_agent Amplification of surface-enhanced Raman scattering by the oxidation of capping agents on gold nanoparticles M. V. Gorbachevskii, D. S. Kopitsyn, M. S. Kotelev, E. V. Ivanov, V. A. Vinokurov and A. A. Novikov 2018
2018-iRaman-SERS_Sulfur_Dioxide_Wine Headspace-Sampling Paper-Based Analytical Device for Colorimetric/Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Dual Sensing of Sulfur Dioxide in Wine Dan Li, Huazhen Duan, Yadan Ma, and Wei Deng Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 5719-5727 2018
2018-iRaman-SERS_TLC_Combo_Detection A separable surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate modified with MIL-101 for detection of overlapping and invisible compounds after thin-layer chromatography development Bin bin Zhang, Yi Shi, Hui Chen, Qing xia Zhu, Feng Lu, Ying wei Li Analytica Chimica Acta 997 (2018) 35e43 2018
2018-iRaman-SERS-VitaminB_PharmaFormulations Determination of B complex vitamins in pharmaceutical formulations by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy Benedito R. A. Junior, Frederico L. F. Soares, Jorge A. Ardila, Luis G. C. Durango, Moacir R. Forim, Renato L. Carneiro Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 188 (2018) 589-595 2018
2018-Predicting aged pork quality using a portable Raman device Predicting aged pork quality using a portable Raman device C.C. Santos et al Meat Science 145 (2018) 79-85 2018
2019-Fluconazole_Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Four New Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Forms_iRaman.pdf Fluconazole:Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Four New Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Forms B. C. Dayo Owoyemi, C. C. P. da Silva, M. S. Souza, L. F. Diniz, J. Ellena, and R. L. Carneiro Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, 648-657; DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01194 2019
2019-Elucidating the composition of animation cells by non_invasive techniques_i_Raman .pdf Elucidating the composition and the state of conservation of nitrocellulose-based animation cells by means of non-invasive and micro-destructive techniques F. C. Izzoa,  A.Carrieri, G. Bartolozzi, H. van Keulen, I. Lorenzon, E. Balliana, C. Cucci, F. Grazzi, M. Picollo Journal of Cultural Heritage 35 (2019) 254-262; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.09.010 2019
2018 On‐site detection of succinylcholine in biomedical matrix by SERS Wang_et_al_JRS-iRaman.pdf On‐site detection of succinylcholine in biomedical matrix by SERS K. Wang, Y. Zhu, J. Wu, L. Guo, J. Xie J Raman Spectrosc. 2018;49:1461-1468. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5416 2018
2019 Ex Vivo Raman Spectrochemical analysis using a handheld probe shows predictive capability of brain tumour status_Bury_i_Raman.pdf Ex Vivo Raman Spectrochemical Analysis Using a Handheld Probe Demonstrates High Predictive Capability of Brain Tumour Status Danielle Bury, Camilo L. M. Morais, Katherine M. Ashton, Timothy P. Dawson and Francis L. Martin Biosensors 2019, 9, 49; doi:10.3390/bios9020049 2019
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