Republic of Belarushttps://izovac.by
Scientific-technical firm IZOVAC is a well-known brand name amidst manufacturers of vacuum sputtering equipment in CIS. Fundamentals of this production were laid down and improved for over 20 years, first in one of research laboratories of the Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radio electronics (former RTI), where excellent teams of experts in the field of equipment and technology of thin-film coatings, physics of surface, plasma and ion beams were set up. For the last eighteen years they have been intensively developed by the company itself.
Innovations in the field of new film technologies, production of unique vacuum equipment, ion sources, sputtering techniques and relative software is the principal activity of the company.
Thorough studying of projects by process engineers, designers, electrical engineers, software engineers, the system of components delivery from leading manufacturers in Europe and Asia, final quality control allow the company to comply with most stringent customers’ demands. Our major effort is focused on such fields of thin film applications, as display devices, optics of visible and IR ranges, optical telecommunication systems. Close cooperation we have established with higher educational establishments, academic and industry scientific communities of Belarus and Russia, wide involvement of post graduation students and talented young specialists allow the company to realize projects in record-short time.
Thus, company’s business activity is aiming at satisfying demands of manufacturers of mapping and information processing equipment for exclusive vacuum technologies and thin-film products in maximum short time, giving our customers undoubted competitive edge.
All this allowed small laboratory to grow into a largest in CIS vacuum equipment exporting company. Our products can be found in different countries of Europe, Asia and North America.
Potential of IZOVAC.
Key advantage of IZOVAC is practical implementation of advanced technologies of surface preparation and vacuum deposition in industrial equipment, intended for obtaining high-quality optical and functional coatings now and in future.
Out technical possibilities include:
- Design of optical coatings
- Selection of layers’ materials
- Optical evaluation and optimization
- Development of vacuum coating systems and components
- Technological systems
- Power units
- Software and automation
- Comprehensive “turn-key design of vacuum coating systems
Service and support
- Assembly and testing
- Erection, assembly, testing and commissioning on the customer’s site